People frequently think that they have never been injured or that their accidents didn't adversely affect their bodies.

Fortunately our structures are very adaptable. In fact, so adaptable that people don't recognize that anything changed as a result of their accident. They can do what they want and it all feels OK so it must be OK.

However, people who are living with an adapted joint or spine are often moving down a path of degeneration and when things start to become uncomfortable, ('they slept wrong'), they don't find any connection between their intermittent problem and the incident that  impacted their body. They have an underlying problem(s) that need to be sorted out and this may take some work.

It is a great idea to have your structure checked by a health professional with experience, expertise and interest in spinal evaluation. After all, you only ever have one spine so it's best to take good care of it.

Rod McLean Chiropractic Newcastle • 100 Bridge Street Waratah, NSW 2298

Copyright 2021 Rod Mclean Chiropractic.