Amy Cuddy's 2012 Ted Talk has been watched 40 million times and is the 2nd most watched Ted Talk in history and it is worth the 21 minutes.

But if you are in a hurry here is her message in brief...

If you adopt a 'Power Pose' for 2 minutes a day

It will change your body chemistry and your testosterone (strength hormone) will elevate and your cortisol (stress reactivity hormone) will fall.

This applies to both males and females and the power pose effects are the same.

Check this out. Practice the pose(s) for 6 months!


Strike the pose for 2 minutes a day.

You could do this in your office, the bathroom, your home or your car

and you will become a stronger, calmer and 'bigger' you!

Rod McLean Chiropractic Newcastle • 100 Bridge Street Waratah, NSW 2298

Copyright 2021 Rod Mclean Chiropractic.